Swing-Utilities: Realease-Notes Author: Manfred Duchrow Copyright (c) 2002-2020, by Manfred Duchrow. All rights reserved. ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.2.0 (27/08/2020), 6 Unit Tests * Upgraded to gradle 6.3 * Upgraded dependencies ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.1.0 (28/12/2018), 6 Unit Tests * Cleanup code * Junit upgrade from 3 to 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.0.0 (28/01/2017), 6 Unit Tests * Migrated > Maven -> Gradle > SVN -> Git * Package renaming 'org.pf' -> 'org.pfsw' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.0.0 (21/06/2014) * Upgraded to Java 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.5 ( January 26, 2008 ) * New classes - ComponentPoint - FocusEnforcer ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.4.1 ( June 3, 2006 ) * SwingUtil > Changed visibility of constructor SwingUtil() from private to protected ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.4 ( July 3, 2004 ) * SwingUtil > Added methods - public Component findComponent( Container container, Class componentType, String componentName ) - public Component findComponent( Container container, String componentName ) - public void centerWindow( Window window, int width, int height ) - public void centerWindow( Window window ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.3 ( March 13, 2004 ) * Added new classes - TakeAllLayoutManager ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.2 ( December 22, 2003 ) * Added new classes - RadioButton - RadionButtonGroup - RadioButtonBox - DynamicPanel - DynamicPanelSlot ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.1 ( June 08, 2002 ) * New method in SwingUtil - setSystemLookAndFeel() ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.0 ( June 08, 2002 ) * Created class SwingUtil with method - centerFrame() -----------------------------------------------------------------------