Power API for XML: Realease-Notes Author: Manfred Duchrow Copyright (c) 2002-2017, by Manfred Duchrow. All rights reserved. ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.1.0 (09/11/2017)/ 42 Unit Tests * Dependency upgrades * Changed unit tests from Junit 3 to 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.0.0 (28/01/2017)/ 42 Unit Tests * Migrated > Maven -> Gradle > SVN -> Git * Package renaming 'org.pf' -> 'org.pfsw' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.2.0 (11/06/2016) / 42 Unit Tests * Upgrade to PF-Logging 2.2.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.1.0 (13/09/2015) * Clean code ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.0.0 (21/06/2014) * Upgraded to Java 6 * Creating logger now via pluggable LoggerFactory ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.2.0 (January 18, 2014) * New classes > EmptyContentEntityResolver * DOMTreeXMLReader > Changed to support processing instructions at document level ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.1 ( January 12, 2012 ) * New classes > XPathAccess * XmlUtil > Added - public Document parseXmlString(String xml) - public String asString(Element element) - public String getAttributeLN(Element element, String localName) - public Element getFirstElementByTagName(Document document, String tagName) - public Element getFirstElementByTagName(Element element, String tagName) - public List getChildElements(Element element) - public Element getFirstChildElement(Element element) - public Document readXmlDocument(String xmlFileName, String schemaFileName) - public Document readXmlDocument(final String xmlFileName, final Schema schema) - public Schema readSchema(String schemaFileName) - public String getNamespaceURIOf(Element element) - public List nodeListToListOfNodes(NodeList nodeList) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.0 ( January 30, 2011 ) * New classes > NamespacePrefixMapper > XmlUtil - public Document readXmlFile(final String filename) - public NamespaceContext extractNamespacesFrom( final Document document ) - public NamespaceContext extractNamespacesFrom( final Element rootElement ) - public void addNamespacesFromElementAndChildren(NamespacePrefixMapper namespaces, Element element) - public void addNamespacesFrom(NamespacePrefixMapper namespaces, org.w3c.dom.Element element) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.4.3 ( February 7, 2010 ) * DOMTreeXMLReader > Added - public void parse(Element element) throws SAXException ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.4.2 ( September 4, 2009 ) * Each XMLTagInterpreter must now also implement the methods of interface org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler. BaseXMLTagInterpreter already implements empty methods for all LexicalHandler interface. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.4.1 ( April 8, 2006 ) * DOMTreeXMLReader > Bugfix for xmlns:... attributes to be SAX 2.0 compliant and ensure compatibility for JDK 1.5 and JDK 1.4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.4 ( July 30, 2004 ) * MarkupWriter can now be configured to use either apostrophes or quotes > Added methods - useSingleQuotes() - useDoubleQuotes() * MarkupWriter now replaces apostrophes (') by ' and quotes (") by " inside attribute values if the attribute value is enclosed by the same character. * XMLWriteController can now be configured to use either apostrophes or quotes > Added methods - public void useSingleQuotes() - public void useDoubleQuotes() * New interface SAXConstants ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.3 ( December 22, 2003 ) * Changed DOMTreeXMLReader to support namespaces. That means features - http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces - http://xml.org/sax/features/namespace-prefixes * Added new class LoggerProvider * Changed MarkupWriter to report exceptions to the component logger * MarkupWriter can now be configured to use apostrophes or quotes - useSingleQuotes() - useDoubleQuotes() ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.2.1 ( March 17, 2003 ) * Corrected Javadoc comments ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.2 ( June 30, 2002 ) * Changed package from com.just.pax to org.pfsw.pax * Replaced DOMTreeSAXParser with DOMTreeXMLReader which supports SAX2 API * Changed all classes to support SAX2 API * XMLWriteController now flushes the output at endDocument() call * Bugfix: BaseTagInterpreterController.returnControl() Set the controller as content handler of the parser after the last end tag. That ensures that the controller's endDocument() method will be called. * MarkupWriter now uses " as qoute instead of ' * MarkupWriter now uses system property "line.separator" rather than "\n" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.1 ( February 28, 2002 ) * New class for handling of DOM tree as input for SAX parser DOMTreeSAXParser * MarkupWriter, XMLWriteController, XMLWriteInterpreter for writing of DOM trees ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.0 ( May 31, 2000 ) * Interfaces XMLTagInterpreter, XMLTagInterpreterController, XMLTagInterpreterFactory plus base implementation classes -----------------------------------------------------------------------