PF-Security Author: Manfred Duchrow Copyright (c) 2004-2017, by Manfred Duchrow. All rights reserved. ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.0.0 (26/01/2017) / 122 unit tests * Migrated > Maven -> Gradle > SVN -> Git * Package renaming '' -> 'org.pfsw' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.2.0 (11/06/2016) / 122 unit tests * Dependencies upgrade ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.1.0 (13/09/2015) / 122 unit tests * HashedString > Added - public byte[] getHashValue() - public byte[] getSaltValue() - public byte[] getHashWithSaltValue() - public String getHashValueBase64() - public String getHashWithSaltValueBase64() * CryptoUtil > Changed method public boolean equals(final String str1, final String str2, CheckedCharsetName charEncoding) to return false if the two values are equal, but are hashes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.0.0 (27/09/2014) / 117 unit tests * Upgraded to Java 6 * New class SecurityUtil > Methods - public String encodeBASICCredentials(String username, String password) - public String encodeBASICCredentials(String username, String password, Charset charset) - public IStringPair decodeBASICCredentials(String basicCredentials) - public IStringPair decodeBASICCredentials(String basicCredentials, Charset charset) - public String createBASICAuthorization(String username, String password) - public String createBEARERAuthorization(String token, Charset charset) - public String createBEARERAuthorization(byte[] token) - public Collection readX509CertificatesFromPKCS7(final InputStream inStream) - public X509Certificate readX509CertificateFromPKCS7(final InputStream inStream) - public X509Certificate readX509CertificateFromPKCS7(final File file) * New classes > SignatureAlgorithm * CryptoUtil > Added - public String getFingerprintOf(X509Certificate cert) - public String getFingerprintOf(X509Certificate cert, String hexSeparator) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.2.0 (November 24, 2013) / 100 unit tests * Support for SHA-2 (256, 384, 512 bit) > CryptoUtil - Added ~ public String hashed(final byte[] data, final HashMechanism hashMechanism) ~ public String hashedUTF8(final String aString, final HashMechanism hashMechanism) ~ public String base64EncodedWithPrefix(final byte[] hash, final HashMechanism hashMechanism) ~ public String hashedUTF8(final String aString, String algorithm) ~ public MessageDigest getMessageDigest(String algorithmName) ~ public byte[] generateSalt(final int length) ~ public byte[] generateSalt20() ~ public byte[] computeHash(final byte[] content, final String algorithm) ~ public byte[] computeHash(final String text, final String charEncoding, final String algorithm) ~ public boolean equals(final String str1, final String str2, CheckedCharsetName charEncoding) ~ public boolean equalsUTF8(final String str1, final String str2) * New classes > CheckedHashAlgorithm > CryptoConstants > CryptoRuntimeException ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.1 (June 27, 2008) * New classes > HashedString > CryptoUtil ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.0 (September 25, 2004) * Created new component with class in package > AutoAuthenticationManager > LocationCredentials > AbstractAuthenticator -----------------------------------------------------------------------