Extended Text Utilities: Release-Notes Author: Manfred Duchrow Copyright (c) 2002-2016, by Manfred Duchrow. All rights reserved. ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.2.0 (11/06/2016) - 50 Unit Tests * Just version bump ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.0.0 (01/11/2014) - 50 Unit Tests * Upgraded to Java 6 * Clean code rework > Generic types > List instead of Vector > Changed signature public Object executeFunction(String functionName, Vector parameter) throws UnknownFunctionException, InvalidParameterException; to public Object executeFunction(String functionName, List parameter) throws UnknownFunctionException, InvalidParameterException; in - FunctionResolver - BasicTextFunctionResolver * BasicVariableContainer > Added - public BasicVariableContainer(Properties properties) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.1.2 (18/08/2012) - 50 Unit Tests * StringObfuscator > Bugfix: unicode encoded strings are now properly obfuscated and converted back to plain strings. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.1.1 ( August 16, 2007 ) * TextEngine > Internal changes to use StringBuffer rather than string concatenation ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.1 ( June 11, 2005 ) * New class StringObfuscator ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.0 ( March 6, 2004 ) * New methods in TextEngine - public void addFrom( Map vars ) * BasicTextFunctionResolver Fixed potential NullPointerException in protected String funcDate( Vector parameter ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.9 ( October 24, 2002 ) * New methods in TextEngine - useDollarCurlyBrackets() - allowMissingPlaceholders() - forbidMissingPlaceholders() - setVarStartPrefix() - getVarStartPrefix() Supports prefix character in front of placeholder indicator Examples: %'var' or ${var} Allows to supress exception, if a placeholder can't be resolved. Insert the placeholder's name instead ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.8 ( July 11, 2002 ) * Added method to VariableContainer - setValueFor() * Added method to GlobalLocalVariables - setValueFor() - setLocalObject() - setGlobalObject() ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.7 ( July 01, 2002 ) * Renamed VariableResolver.getValueFor() to getValue() * Added new method knownVariableNames() to VariableResolver * New interface VariableContainer that introduces a setValue() method * Created new class GlobalLocalVariables that combines a global and a local variable resolver * New class GlobalLocalPlaceholderReplacement that supports easy usage of a text engine with a local and global variables -----------------------------------------------------------------------